Why choose Janet Lewis Consulting? Janet Lewis is about the customer. Janet Lewis Consulting is your go-to computer specialist. If you just got your first computer, JLC can guide you through the basics. Looking to create a new website for your business? JLC can show you how or do it all for you. Stuck on figuring out how to do an update or work a new software program? JLC can remote in and talk you through the process. Want to email, Zoom, or FaceTime a family member? Learning is fun! Looking for a virtual assistant to help you with personal or professional administrative or technical tasks? Contact us today.
- Business professionals: create SharePoint team web sites: your collaborative workspace, a tool for the management and automation of business processes, and a platform for social networking. Create SharePoint sites to collaborate on group projects, to set up file sharing between team members, to track professional development activities.
- Doctoral students & School Districts: Have an online survey created and analyzed for you. All you need to provide are the questions!
- Educators: Use Moodle as your complete online course management system for any grade level, or to enhance and enrich existing curriculum. Use Google Apps for Education to the maximum.
- Individuals: Individual sessions are available. Contact Janet Lewis today. Give the gift of learning or sign yourself up for a few lessons. Learn basic computer operations or specific software. Remote computer support also available to help you out of a pinch when you need an update or assistance.
- Small business owners: Free up your time with JLC virtual assistant services, by the hour or job: bookkeeping, data entry, managing email, social tasks, and scheduling.